HC Deb 29 June 1914 vol 64 cc48-9W

asked the Home Secretary if he will give consideration to the case of Miss Rose Linley, at present confined in Colney Hatch Asylum, in consequence of a mental disturbance alleged to be of a temporary character; is he aware that she is ordinarily a highly intelligent young woman, with a refined and sensitive nature; that she had been regaining health and strength, and her brother, Mr. T. Linley, of 433, Caledonian Road, Holloway, N, had promised repeatedly to look after her if she were let out on a month's trial or released, but that this request was refused; is he aware that the associations of asylum life and the fear of perpetual restraint in a lunatic asylum have recently had a very injurious effect mentally; if she cannot be released to the care of her friends, will he consider her transfer to a hospital for nervous diseases; and will he take into consideration that the girl's detention in an asylum is seriously affecting her aged mother's health?


I have no authority to discharge or to transfer an ordinary patient from an asylum, and the consideration of questions of discharge and transfer does not come within my jurisdiction. The Asylum Committee is the responsible authority in this matter. I have, however, made inquiry about this case through the Board of Control, and I find that the patient is still insane, and quite unfit for removal to her home or elsewhere from the asylum.