HC Deb 30 July 1914 vol 65 cc1596-7W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mr. Samuel Morrison has for nearly nine years occupied the house on the Ormsby estate, county Mayo, known as Gortnor Abbey, as tenant and established a business there as an anglers' hotel; is he aware that the Congested Districts Board has served notice on Morrison to give up possession though he is quite ready to buy the house and garden, which are quite unsuitable for a farmer, and the retention of which by Morrison would not prevent the division of the untenanted land on the estate and would be a benefit to the neighbourhood, where his visitors give much employment; and will he suggest to the Board to deal more reasonably with Morrison?


I am aware that Mr. Morrison occupied Gortner Abbey House for some time past, and used it as a private hotel for anglers. He proposed to purchase the house, together with a portion of the lands about it, from the Congested Districts Board, but the Board decided that they would not sell to Mr. Morrison until they had ascertained that the land and house could not be disposed of to a suitable agricultural tenant. Mr. Morrison informed the Board that he did not intend remaining in the house in its present condition, and asked what notice he was to give to terminate his tenancy, and to whom he was to give possession. Accordingly, notice was sent to Mr. Morrison informing him that his caretaker's agreement would be terminated on the 31st instant.