HC Deb 27 July 1914 vol 65 cc940-1W

asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the Insurance Commissioners, whether the Commissioners will address a remonstrance to the Middlesex Insurance Committee for not permitting Miss Ruby Holt to make her own arrangements for medical attendance, seeing that she has been attended from childhood by Dr. Bennett, of Ealing, who has also for years past attended every member of her family?


No, Sir.


asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the Insurance Commissioners (1), if he will state what is the reason for the delay in ascertaining the amount of the special arrangements fund in Middlesex available for distribution in respect of claims arising in the year 1913, have the whole of the claims been received; and, if so, what was the date when the last of such claims was received; and (2) whether all the claims upon the special arrangement fund under the control of the Middlesex Committee out of which Dr. J. Chambre, of South Ealing, is entitled to be paid for attendance upon twenty-nine persons, members of the District Railway staff, have been sent in, when was the last received, what is the reason for withholding payment as long ago as 1913, and will the Insurance Commissioners take steps to secure to the committees better administration of the Act?


Payment has been made to all insured persons entitled to a contribution from the special arrangements fund, except those who have made their own arrangements with the particular doctor referred to. In their case the insurance committee are endeavouring, for the special convenience of the doctor and in accordance with his wishes, to obtain the insured person's consent to payment being made to the doctor direct.