HC Deb 23 July 1914 vol 65 cc660-1W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that certain fully qualified and competent counter clerks and telegraphists in the southwestern district of London are in danger of being passed over by an officer who has not been tested on any work other than writing duties; and whether, in order to lessen the possibility of favouritism, he will issue instructions that all the candidates must be tested in the various branches of the work, thereby ensuring consideration of the claims to promotion of those officers who possess the widest qualifications?


It is not the case that the promotion o£ a counter clerk and telegraphist who has not been tested on any work other than writing duties is in contemplation. The officer to whom the question is understood to refer has been tested on controlling as well as writing duties; and I am informed that he is not only fully qualified, but the best qualified of the eligible officers.