HC Deb 17 July 1914 vol 64 cc2290-1W

asked the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the delay and difficulty now existing in making connection with the telephone system in Lillington Road, Leamington Spa; will he state what is the cause which makes it impossible at present to give an independent line to each subscriber in that area; and whether he is making any and, if so, what arrangements to secure facilities for subscribers in that area to have independent lines?


The difficulty referred to has been due to the exhaustion of the underground plant in the district. A comprehensive scheme for the provision of additional plant is under consideration and by arrangements which have been made for a section of the work to be undertaken in advance of the general scheme it is hoped that subscribers in the locality in question will obtain their service by the middle of August.


asked the Postmaster-General how many trunk calls can be got through to Ashford, Middlesex, per hour; and is he aware that there is constant difficulty in communicating over this line?


It would normally be possible with the existing circuit accommodation to deal with about twenty-five calls per hour to and from Ashford, Middlesex. I regret that at present, owing to pressure on the trunk lines, there is undue delay to calls to and from Ashford; but a number of circuits are being provided for the increased traffic, and it is expected that they will be completed in the course of next month. I hope that there will then be no further cause for complaint.


asked the Postmaster-General, in view of the fact that a telephone subscriber is entitled, without payment, to a copy of the Directory, if he will explain how it is that in delivering the half-yearly edition the authorites asked for the return of the previous issue, and presented a card to be signed by the subscribers saying they had done so?


In consequence of removals of subscribers from district to district and other causes, a good many telephone numbers are altered between one issue of the Directory and the next. Calls made for obsolete numbers hamper the service and are apt to annoy subscribers. It is, therefore, important to withdraw from use all directories which are not of the current issue when a new edition is distributed. It is due to the fact that telephone directories so soon get out of date that it is found necessary to have new issues at six-monthly instead of yearly intervals.