HC Deb 17 July 1914 vol 64 c2292W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can state the wages paid to the various grades of miners in Scotland, England, and Wales immediately prior to the coming into operation of the Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act of 1912, and as at 1st January, 1914, or at any subsequent date at which the calculation can more conveniently be made?


There are no returns showing the actual earnings of miners before and after the Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act of 1912, but the following table gives the percentage that the wages of coal miners were above the standard or base year in each of the principal districts at 29th March, 1912, and 14th July, 1914, respectively. Of course my hon. Friend will be aware that there are other factors affecting actual earnings besides the percentage on standard:—