HC Deb 03 July 1914 vol 64 cc712-3W

asked the Postmaster-General if his attention has been called by the Grimsby United Fish Merchants and Fish Curers Association, Limited, to the delays taking place in the transmission of telegraphic messages at Grimsby docks, thereby causing loss to traders; whether the delay is due in a great measure to understaffing; and whether he is prepared to take such means to increase the staff as will enable the business to be dealt with promptly and expeditiously?


I have just received the communication from the association in question; and if they will forward to me particulars of any telegrams which have been delayed, I will have inquiry made as to their treatment. Ample staff is provided at Grimsby; but, when hundreds of telegrams are handed in together, there must be delay, especially when, as not infrequently happens at Grimsby, the telegrams are not fully addressed, or when they are written in cypher or contain figures, which require special care in transmission.