HC Deb 06 August 1914 vol 65 c2072W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he will announce the name of the Member placed on the Canteens Committee to represent the interests of the private traders?


The additional member is Alderman Amos Hinton, J.P., Middlesbrough, head of the firm of Amos Hinton and Sons. He is also vice-president and treasurer of the Federation of Grocers' Associations.

Mr. F. HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if, having regard to the opinion expressed by the judge in the canteens case that the defendants employed by Lipton, Limited, were acting on a system which was known to and encouraged by the directorate, the Government proposes to take any steps with a view to prosecuting the firm; and, if not, if it will be open to the Committee I now inquiring into the question of canteen supplies to investigate all the circumstances relating to the Lipton contracts in order thoroughly to sift the system which made such practices possible?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply to this question. As regards the first part of the question, I must refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer I gave to the hon. Baronet, the Member for the Mansfield Division on July 14th last. As regards the second part of the question, I understand that the terms of reference to the Committee are as follows: "To inquire and report as to what changes in the system of supplying garrison and regimental institutes are desirable and practicable." The Committee will determine what matters it will be necessary for them to examine to enable them to make their report.