HC Deb 28 April 1914 vol 61 c1545W

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he can give the Returns of the number of cattle, sheep, pigs and goats in Belgium in 1904, 1912 and 1913, respectively; and the number per head of the population in those years?

Mr. HERBERT LEWIS (for Mr. Runciman)

The following table shows the number of cattle and pigs in Belgium on holdings of approximately two and a half acres and over on the 31st December, 1904 and 1912, and the number per thousand of population in those years. The figures for 1913 are not yet available:—

number. Number per 1,000 of Population.
1904. 1912. 1904. 1912.
Cattle 1,782,290 1,830,747 252 242
Pigs 1,154,721 1,348,514 163 178

The latest Returns of sheep and goats are for the year 1910, when the numbers were as follows:—

Number. Number per 1,000 of Population.
Sheep 185,373 25
Goats 217,823 29