HC Deb 15 April 1914 vol 61 cc181-2W

asked the Postmaster-General the value of contracts at present by the Post Office for telephone exchange equipments, distinguishing between central battery, automatic, and magneto equipments, for London and for other telephone areas throughout the United Kingdom?

Captain NORTON

The particulars asked for are as follows:—

London. Province.
Central Battery £239,465 £109,198
Automatic 4,379 149,131
Nil. Nil.

Sir J. D. REES

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that delays extending to two months occur in Nottingham in moving telephones from one place of business to another at the request of the persons so moving; and whether he will take steps to expedite action in such cases?

Captain NORTON

There have been a few cases of considerable delay in removing telephone circuits at Nottingham during the past six months. The delay has been chiefly due to the fact that all the wires in the existing underground cables in certain parts of the town are in use. Additional underground plant is being provided on a comprehensive plan, but probably a month or six weeks must elapse before the work is sufficiently advanced to meet all requirements.


asked the Postmaster-General the value of contracts at present placed for the construction of underground conduits for telegraph cables and for telephone cables respectively, giving the length in miles of the underground ducts and cables contracted for, and distinguishing between the London telephone area and provincial telephone areas?

Captain NORTON

The particulars are as follows:—

London Provinces.
Contract value of underground conduits £28,331 £404,800
Miles of single ducts 146 1,869
Contract value of cables £186,700 £1,139,000
Miles of single wire 28,550 369,400
In addition to the foregoing, contracts have been placed for underground telephone cable of the length of about 76,000 miles of single wire and of the value of about £188,000. This cable is not earmarked for any specific work, but can be drawn upon as required by the Post Office Engineer-in-Chief.