HC Deb 08 April 1914 vol 60 cc1976-8W

asked the Postmaster General what is the percentage of increase on the total pay and emoluments of all postal and telegraph and telephone employés represented by the immediate concessions announced in a special issue of the official Post Office Circular as estimated to cost £640,000?

Captain NORTON

The cost of the concessions referred to is approximately 4½ per cent. of the total pay and emoluments of the classes dealt with by the Holt Committee, excluding clerical classes.


asked the Postmaster-General if he will state, as nearly as possible, by what year the concessions to the postal and telegraph and telephone employés, announced in a special issue of the official Post Office Circular, will involve a cost of £1,225,000 a year; and will he state, as nearly as may be estimated, the cost in each year from the commencing cost of £640,000 until the maximum is reached?

Captain NORTON

I regret that it is not possible to give the particulars asked for. In the case of some classes the ultimate cost will be reached at once or within a year or two; in the case of others it may not be reached for many years. No accurate, or even approximate, forecast is practicable as to the increase in cost from year to year.


asked whether it is intended to issue a statement showing, in detail, the effects of the concessions made to different classes of postal, telegraph, and telephone employés, over and beyond those recommended in the Holt Report, in order that hon. Members, with reasonable time for examination and consideration, may be able to judge how far grievances which, it is alleged, were not dealt with adequately by the recommendations in the Report have now been satisfied; and when any such statement will be forthcoming?

Captain NORTON

It would not be desirable to issue such a statement at present, as many points are still under consideration. The claims of the minor classes, which were not included in the Holt Committee's Inquiry, are now being reviewed, and the decisions thereon will be announced in due course.