HC Deb 01 November 1913 vol 43 cc721-2W

asked whether the Estates Commissioners have acquired a holding at Ahavrin, near Coachford, county Cork, which was intended for the reinstatement of Jeremiah Murphy, evicted tenant, since deceased; if so, will the land be allotted to any of his representatives; and, if not, will the Estates Commissioners consider the advisability of dividing it amongst the labourers of the locality who are in need of land for grazing and tillage purposes?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the affirmative. Murphy was given possession of the holding last March, and subsequently died. The holding will be vested in his representative.


asked the Chief Secretary whether information is given in any of the annual Reports as regards the numbers and amounts of mortgages which have been effected on lands purchased or in process of being purchased under the Irish Land Acts since the purchase of such lands was commenced; and, if not, whether he will cause such information to be tabulated and included in future annual Reports?


The annual Reports of the Land Commission have not hitherto contained any statistics on this subject, but the Commissioners will consider whether the information can be given in their next annual Report.