HC Deb 27 May 1913 vol 53 cc29-32W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if the estate of Mr. E. K. Supple, of Ballyhennessy, in the county of Kerry, has yet been vested in the tenants; have the Estates Commissioners made any Grant towards the building of out-offices in the farm on this estate held by the late Thomas Griffin and now in the occupation of his wife, seeing that the farm was an evicted one for a period of twenty-two years, and that the out-offices consequently got into a very dilapidated condition, and are so still; and, if such Grant has been made, what steps, if any, have been taken to see that it has been properly applied?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the affirmative. The Estates Commissioners are not prepared to sanction any Grant in the case referred to.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that several tenants on the Blackwood estate, situate at Croughcroonen, Lixnaw, have been recently processed for their rents, which they were unable to pay owing to the flooded conditions of their lands continuously; and whether the Estates Commissioners will compel the landlord to take immediate action in making up the embankments so as to save the tenants from ruin?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale by the owner under the Irish Land Act, 1903, direct to the tenants, and purchase agreements have been lodged with the Estates Commissioners at prices agreed to by the parties. In their agreements to purchase the tenants contracted to pay interest on the agreed prices until the holdings are vested, and the Land Commission are under statutory obligation to collect this interest, which is less than the rent otherwise payable, and if not paid to institute legal proceedings for its recovery. Having regard to the position of this estate on the principal register of direct sales and the claims of other estates in priority thereon, this estate will not be reached by the Commissioners to be dealt with for some time. They have no knowledge of the condition of the embankment, but they will communicate with the solicitor for the owner in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary the number of small tenants and also sub-tenants on the Miss Oliver estate at Kilmoiley South, North Kerry, who have been allowed to purchase their holdings; and whether he is aware of the feeling amongst all classes of people that the small holders of land ought to have the same advantages of land purchase as those occupying large holdings?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that there are over 100 holdings on this estate which was sold by the owner direct to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and these holdings have been vested in the purchasing tenants. The Commissioners considered, when dealing with the property, the cases of the sub-tenants, and in ten cases decided, under Section 15 of the Act of 1903, to deem the parcels in the exclusive occupation of the sub-tenants to be holdings for the purposes of sale, and such parcels have been vested in the occupiers as separate holdings. As regards the remaining sub-tenants, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on 7th August last.


asked what steps, if any, have been taken by the Congested Districts Board to acquire the estate of Mr. R. Wade-Thompson, in the parish of Kilgarvin, county Mayo?


The estate referred to has been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board, and a decision will be arrived at regarding purchase as soon as practicable.


asked the grounds on which the old age pension claim of Mrs. Catherine Guinan, Ballymayock, Lahardane, county Mayo, has been disallowed; have the authorities, in arriving at their decision, taken into account the fact that she was entitled to only one-third of the property of her late husband, and that the applicant is completely invalided


Catherine Guinan's claim was disallowed on the grounds that her means exceeded the statutory limit. She resides with her unmarried son on her deceased husband's farm of 13½ acres, which carried five head of cattle in addition to sheep, pigs, and fowl, and which was also well tilled. The Local Government Board are not aware that she is entitled to only one-third of the property, but a statement was furnished to them that she was an invalid.


asked what steps, if any, have been taken by the Congested Districts Board with the view to purchase the estate of Mr. Charles Downing, in the parish of Kilgarvin, county Mayo; and is he aware of the willingness of the tenants to purchase and of the need for dealing with the congestion existent on their holdings?


The Congested Districts Board have been in communication with Mr. Charles Downing regarding a sale of his property in county Mayo, but the maps and documents necessary for a preliminary inspection have not been lodged. The Board have been informed that the tenants desire to purchase their holdings.