HC Deb 08 May 1913 vol 52 cc2228-9W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that approved societies are having to make use of their private funds to meet administration expenses, and that some of the secretaries have received only one quarter's salary for three quarters' service owing to the payments on account of administration by the Commissioners being insufficient; and whether, as more money on these accounts cannot be obtained until the auditors have done their work, steps will be taken to expedite the audit?


Approved societies can elect either to give security, in which case the funds required for expenses of administration are within the maximum allowable for administration, issued to the society in advance or to finance themselves for extraneous sources in the first instance, in which case the amount expended (again within the maximum available) is refunded to them at monthly intervals without delay, subject to a reserve pending audit. Arrangements have been made by which the audit of societies which finance themselves is given priority, and I am not aware that any undue delay has taken place. If, however, the hon. Member has any particular case of difficulty or hardship in his mind, I should be glad if he would let me know.


asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many female insured persons there are in approved societies under the national health insurance scheme, and what proportion are in societies confined as to membership to the female sex?


The numbers of women contributors under the National Insurance Act in approved societies accepting both men and women, and in approved societies accepting women only, are 2,554,000 and 1,332,000, respectively.