HC Deb 06 May 1913 vol 52 cc1869-70W

asked the Lord Advocate whether he is aware that the English Insurance Commissioners have exempted the Cornish share fishermen working at Penzance and St. Ives under similar conditions to the Scottish share fishermen, without having recourse to proceedings in the Law Courts; and whether means could be adopted whereby a similar course could be followed in Scotland so as to avoid the delay and expense of legal proceedings?


I am aware that an order exempting the fishermen at Penzance and St. Ives has been pronounced, but I am not aware that the conditions of their employment are similar to those of the Scottish share fishermen. The question to be submitted to the Court is whether the employment in question is employment within the meaning of the Act, and unless and until that question is answered in the affirmative an exemption order would be incompetent.


asked whether, if legal proceedings must be taken against Scottish share fishermen in connection with the National Insurance Act test cases, care will he taken to secure that the fishermen will not have to bear any part of the expense?


The Insurance Commissioners do not propose to take proceedings against the fishermen, but to ask the Court, under Section 66 (1) (3) of the Act, to decide whether their employment is employment within the meaning of the Act. This procedure need involve no expense to the persons mentioned.

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