HC Deb 19 March 1913 vol 50 cc1062-4W

asked the Secretary for Scotland the number of cases in which proceedings have already been taken in Scotland under the provisions of the Criminal Law Amendment. Act passed last Session, giving in each case where a conviction was obtained, the nature of the charge and the penalty imposed?

District. Cases. Nature of Charge. Penalty Imposed.
Aberdeen 5 cases, viz.—
1. Alex. Smith Con. of Immoral Traffic Act, 1902, as amended by the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1912 3 months' hard labour
2. Wm. Milne 4 months' hard labour
3. Wm. Goloforpe 5 months' hard labour
4. Elsie Ann Elrick and John Elrick 6 months' imprisonment
5. Isabella Grant Cameron 6 months' hard labour
Ayr 1 case, viz.—
Robert Thomson 6 month's imprisonment
Edinburgh 4 cases, viz.—
1. Anthony Judge 6 month's imprisonment
2. Hamilton Tennant 6 month's imprisonment
3. James D. McGruer 6 month's improisonment
4. Huh Kelly 30 days imprisonment
Glasgow 33 cases, viz.—
1. Robert Murphy Lived on the immoral earnings of a woman 3 month's imprisonment
2. Edward Rice 6 months's hard labour
3. James Sharp Diet deserted
4. John Reilly 6 month's hard labour
5. John Hughes Not proven
6. John Finlay Diet deserted
7. Andrew Lawrie Diet deserted
8. Wm. M. Cambell 6 months hard labour
9. Andrew McLuskey Not proven
10. Peter Kenealey Diet deserted pro loco [...] tempore
11 Patrick Brady 6 month's hard labour
12. Hugh Campbell 6 month's imprisonment
13. James Clinton 6 month's hard labour
14. James Straiton alias Williamson 6 month's hard labour
15. Wm. Ewing 6 month's hard labour
16. Alex. Waddell 6 month's hard labour
17. John Murray 6 month's hard labour
18. Michael McGrorty 6 month's hard labour
19. Thos. Galbraith Solicited girls for immoral purposes Not proven
20. John M. Orr Indecently exposed his person and solicited girls for immoral purposes 6 month's hard labour
21. John McCulloch Solicited girls for immoral purposes Not proven
22. George Stewart Lived on the immoral earnings of a woman 6 month's hard labour
23. Wm. Traynor 6 month's hard labour
24. Chas. McChee 6 month's hard labour
25. Peter McEwen 6 month's hard labour
26. Thos. Sweeney 6 month's hard labour
27. Edward Crozier Not proven
28. Thos. McGiffen 6 month's hard labour
29. Chas. Scott 6 month's hard labour
30. Denis O'Hara Not proven
31. Patrick Leary 6 month's hard labour
32. James Knight 4 month's hard labour
33. John Thomson 6 month's hard labour
Paisley 1 case, viz.—
A man Con. Of Immoral Traffic Act, 1902, as amended by the Griminal Law Amendment Act, 1912 60 days' hard labour
Total number of cases in which proceedings taken 44