HC Deb 17 March 1913 vol 50 cc729-30W
Sir J. D. REES

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can furnish any statistics showing the importation into England of opium and its derivatives; and how much is used for medicinal, and how much for other, purposes?


The total quantity of opium imported into the United Kingdom in 1912 was 555,631 pounds; the re-exports of opium in the same year were 163,455 pounds, making a net import of 392,176 pounds. There were also exported 36,332 pounds of opium dried and powdered in the United Kingdom. Thus, on balance, the imports of opium retained in the United Kingdom amounted to about 356,000 pounds. During the five years 1908–1912 the imports retained have averaged about 272,000 pounds annually. I understand that this opium is used principally in the preparation of morphia and morphia salts, but there are no statistics available with regard to the total manufacture of these latter. The total exports of morphia and morphia salts of United Kingdom manufacture, however, reached 276,572 ounces in 1912, and these exports must, therefore, have required for their manufacture a considerable proportion of the net imports of opium. As regards the imports of opium derivatives, the only statistics available are those relative to morphia and morphia salts, of which 21,539 ounces were imported, and 1,663 ounces re-exported in 1912, leaving a net importation, on balance, of 19,876 ounces. I have no information as to how much of the preparations and derivatives of opium retained for use in the United Kingdom are used medicinally, and how much for other purposes.