HC Deb 23 June 1913 vol 54 c814W

asked the hon. Member for the Stroud Division, as representing the Charity Commissioners, when they propose to hold an inquiry into the affairs of St. Mary Magdalen Hospital, Winchester, and why no reply had been given to the letters on the subject written by the town clerk on the 3rd December, 1912, and the 17th January and 26th May, 1913?


The inquiry into St. Mary Magdalen Hospital, Winchester, has for some time been in progress, and is being conducted by an assistant commissioner. The documents in the case are numerous and involved, and the assistant commissioner has not yet been in a position to make a report or formulate definite proposals for the future administration of the charity. As soon as the report has been received and considered, a further communication will be addressed to the town clerk, and, as stated in the commissioners' letter of 4th April, 1912, full opportunity will be given to the town council of expressing their views in regard to the future administration of the charity before any action is taken.