HC Deb 16 June 1913 vol 54 cc47-50W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have acquired the Blackburne estate, at Footstown, county Meath; and, if so, whether it is intended to divide it between local applicants?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 30th January last, to which I have nothing to add at present.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Estates Commissioners' inspector, when inspecting the Hickson estate, Tier Cloghane, county Kerry, strongly recommended that it was one which should be taken over and dealt with by the Congested Districts Board; and what steps have since been taken to secure that the tenants will get the advantages of this recommendation?


This estate was the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the owner to the tenants under the Land Purchase Acts. The Estates Commissioners decided, after hearing the parties, that it was not a case in which they should declare the lands fit to be regarded as an estate for the purposes 'f sale, but they put a stay on their order for six months to enable the vendor to negotiate with the Congested Districts Board for the sale to the Board of the property, which is situate in a congested districts county. The Congested Districts Board have no information regarding the Hickson Estate at Tier, referred to in the question.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have been offered for purchase the Kilmurray estate, county Meath, owned by Captain Fowler; if so, is Captain Fowler proposing to exclude from the sale the untenanted land now in his possession, including an evicted farm; and will the Commissioners agree to purchase only a portion of an estate?


Captain Fowler has instituted proceedings under the Land Purchase Acts for the sale of this estate, including the evicted farm, and it is expeced the property will be inspected at an early date. Meanwhile the Estates Commissioners cannot make any statement as regards the inquiry made in the concluding portion of the question.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether a house and a plot of land, formerly used as a national schoolhouse, on the estate of General Clive, Corriganeen, Roscrea, county Tipperary, has been acquired by Surgeon-General Roe, Loran Park, Roscrea, under the Land Act, 1909; whether the Estates Commissioners have declared this house and plot of land an agricultural holding; whether Surgeon-General Roc is owner in fee simple of 5,000 acres of untenanted land in this district; and whether the Estates Commissioners will advance the purchase money on this holding, which was built for public use?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and an agreement signed by Surgeon-General Roe for the purchase a plot of about half an acre on the estate was lodged with the Estates Commissioners, who, however, are not prepared to make any advance under the Land Purchase Acts for the purchase of this plot, and have so informed the vendor's solicitor. The Commissioners understand that the house on the plot was formerly used as a schoolhouse. They are not aware of the amount of untenanted land held in fee simple by Surgeon-General Roe.


asked how the purchase of the estate of Mr. Robert Blake, Ballyglunin, county Galway, at present stands; and what part of the property is proposed to he retained by the vendor?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that this estate is at present being inspected by the Board's valuer, and until his report has been received they are not in a position to give the information asked for.


asked whether the Martyn estate, Lisduff, parish of Dunmore, county Galway, has been bought by the Congested Districts Board; whether the purchase included the large grazing farm on the estate; whether this farm will be divided amongst the small tenants on the property; and what stage the matter now stands in?


This estate has not been offered for sale through the Congested District Board. The board have communicated with the owner regarding a sale, but the maps and documents necessary for a preliminary inspection to be made have not so far been lodged with them.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board have been able to purchase the Lough farm, near Dingle; and whether, seeing that Mrs. Malone has been declared an evicted tenant, steps will be taken to secure this place for her?


The Estates Commissioners are in negotiation with the owner for the purchase by them of the lands of Lough referred to in the question. Mrs. Malone's case will be further considered by the Commissioners should they acquire these lands, but they cannot make any promise that they will be able to provide her with a holding.