HC Deb 12 June 1913 vol 53 cc1794-6W

asked the Chief Secretary whether the Congested Districts Board have yet made an offer of purchase for the Miller estate, Carraroe, county Galway; and if he will give the names of the estates in Connemara for which offers of purchase have been made by the Congested Districts Board and the names of these for which offers have been accepted or rejected?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that they have not made an offer for the purchase of the estate of Mrs. Miller, but they hope to do so very shortly. I will be happy to furnish the hon. Member with a list of the estates in Connemara for which offers to purchase have been accepted by the owners.


asked the Chief Secretary what is the cause of delay in issuing vesting orders to the tenants who have purchased their farms on the Coote estate, at Ballyclogh, Mallow, county Cork; and whether he is aware that these tenants are at present paying 4 per cent. interest in lieu of rent and have done so for several years?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and the Estates Commissioners have no power to deal with it until it is reached in order of priority on the principal register of direct sales (all cash). In the purchase agreements signed by the tenants they contracted to pay interest in lieu of rent at the rate of per cent on the purchase money pending the vesting of the holdings.


asked the Chief Secretary whether any, and, if so, how many tenant purchasers on the Maria A. Gray estate, Kiltycloher, county Fermanagh, applied for grants of money for building and stocking; how many got grants; are any cases still under consideration by the Estates Commissioners; was any application made by or on behalf of Mrs. Rose Carroll, restored evicted tenant, for a grant; will the Commissioners consider her application; and if the grounds on which applications are refused are disclosed to applicants, so as to enable them to give further evidence in support of their claims?


Fifty applications appear to have been received, and, after inquiry, the Estates Commissioners have in three cases sanctioned grants amount- ing to £80. The question of making a grant for general improvements on the estate is at present under consideration. The Commissioners have decided not to make any grant in the case of Rose Carroll. The making of grants is a matter entirely within the discretion of the Commissioners, and it is not their practice to state the reasons which actuate them in the exercise of such discretion.