HC Deb 03 June 1913 vol 53 cc794-5W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mr. Shuldham, owner of the Ballymulby farm, immediately adjoining the town of Ballymahon, county Longford, is selling his farm, and has offered a portion of it to the Estates Commissioners for the purpose of supplying the labourers and poor of the town and district with milk, as it was always from this farm the people secured their milk; and, seeing that if this is cut off it will be injurious to the health of old and young alike and will be the certain propagator of disease, and eventually lead to intemperance, will he say what action the Estates Commissioners will take in this matter to prevent this opportunity being lost?


The Estates Commissioners understand that the owner is prepared to consider the reservation of portion of the lands referred to for the use of the Ballymahon town tenants, and I have suggested to them the desirability of having a preliminary inspection made of these lands at an early date.


asked whether Mr. Patrick O'Dowd, J.P., has yet lodged with the Congested Districts Board maps and papers relating to his estate at Fallduff, county Mayo, with a view to a sale thereof through the Board; and what time has elapsed since Mr. O'Dowd first promised to have the documents lodged?


In December last Mr. O'Dowd's solicitor lodged with the Congested Districts Board the maps and certain documents necessary for a preliminary inspection to be made of this estate, but some further information asked for by the Board is awaited. In July, 1910, Mr. O'Dowd informed the Board that he was willing to negotiate for a sale of his property under the Land Act of 1903.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board have issued an offer for purchase of the estate of Mrs. A. Campbell Wright, situate in Kilmeena, Westport, county Mayo, or when they hope to do so?


The Congested Districts Board have not yet issued an offer for purchase of this estate, but they have decided to do so, and they hope to issue it at an early date.


asked what time has elapsed since Mr. Francis C. Garvey offered to sell through the Congested Districts Board his estate at Murrisk, Westport, county Mayo; has the estate been inspected on behalf of the Board; has an offer been issued; and, if so, with what result; and what has delayed the completion of the purchase, which was desired by all parties interested in the estate?


The estate referred to was offered for sale through the Congested Districts Board in July, 1912. The property has been inspected but an offer for purchase has not yet been issued. The Board hope to consider the question of making an offer at an early date. There has been no avoidable delay in the matter.