HC Deb 31 July 1913 vol 56 c746W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that the Board sanctioned a scheme of the Bethnal Green Board of Guardians for checking the accounts of public vaccinators and vaccination officers whereby 25 per cent. of the cases could be personally visited by the accountant to the guardians; is he aware that after one year's experiment it has been found that the £30 expended on this special work was more than saved by the detection of removals; has he any official information showing that greater amounts could be saved by a closer supervision over the accounts of all vaccination officers and public vaccinators; and, if so, will he institute a system for some such check?


The Local Government Board sanctioned the scheme referred to experimentally for one year, and have now received a report to the effect stated in the question. I propose to make further inquiry before deciding whether it is desirable that such a system should be made general.