HC Deb 28 July 1913 vol 56 cc45-6W

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state the progress of the negotiations of the Congested Districts Board with respect to the estate of General Sir T. Kelly-Kenny, near Coore, West Clare; and whether steps will be taken to expedite matters?


The Congested Districts Board have issued an offer for the purchase of this property, and they are at present in correspondence with the vendors regarding it.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners will consider the case of Thomas Gallen, of Corlea, Killygordon, county Donegal, an evicted tenant on the Delap estate, when allotting any untenanted land in the vicinity or on the Delap estate?


The Estates Commissioners cannot find that they received any application for reinstatement from the person referred to in the question, and not having been lodged within the period specified In the Evicted Tenants Act the case does not come within that Act.


asked if the Congested Districts Board have taken any steps to acquire the Daly estate, parish of Addergoole, county Mayo, situated between the Knox and Palmer estates, and affording facilities for the enlargement of many of the congested holdings on these estates?


The estate referred to cannot be identified by the Congested Districts Board from the particulars given in the question.


asked whether he can state how far the negotiations are advanced for the sale to the Congested Districts Board of the estate of the late Joseph Johnston, continued in the name of Mary C. E. Johnston; and whether there is any prospect of the tenants' holdings being vested in them at an early date?


The Congested Districts Board hope shortly to make an offer for the purchase of this estate.


asked whether, in the case of the Ormathwaite estate, county Kerry, for sale before the Estates Commissioners, the recommendations of the Land Commission inspector, Mr. Mow-bray, who inspected the estate in September, 1911, with regard to turbary plots, have been carried into effect; if not, will he say why this has not been done; and how the recommendations of the inspector with regard to the turbary plot of the tenant, Patrick Kirby, in the townland of Lissahane, have been dealt with?


The Estates Commissioners are satisfied that the vendor's arrangements as regards turbary in connection with the proceedings for sale before them under the Land Purchase Acts are adequate. Kirby has not signed an agreement to purchase his holding. He continues, as tenant, to have the same rights to turbary as heretofore.