HC Deb 22 July 1913 vol 55 cc1867-8W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether representations can be made to the Northamptonshire Insurance Committee to give medical benefit to Harry George Vernon, of 45, Purser Road, Northampton, who transferred to the Northamptonshire committee's area on 24th April last, and who has been seriously ill ever since, seeing for some months past the Northamptonshire committee has failed to give Mr Vernon a medical voucher?


The insured person in question is at present resident in the area of the Northampton, not of the Northamptonshire Insurance Committee. At the beginning of April he was resident at Watford, in the area of the Hertfordshire committee. He left Watford on 11th April for Leicester, but failed to give any notice of his removal. On 26th April he fell ill and came to his wife's home at Northampton, where he was treated by a doctor on the panel, although no transfer had taken place. He has now received a vouches from the Leicester committee entitling him to treatment at Northampton as a temporary resident. The delay in furnishing him with a voucher was due to his own failure to notify his transfer from Watford to Leicester, and to apply for a voucher when leaving Leicester for Northampton.