HC Deb 18 July 1913 vol 55 cc1591-3W

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he has taken steps to obtain an extension of the period of loans for the equipment of small holdings, as recommended in the Report of the Departmental Committee on the Duration of Buildings (Cd. 6536); and whether, in view of the unnecessarily heavy expenditure on equipment at present incurred in some districts, he will call the attention of county councils to that Report and the Report of the Departmental Committee on Buildings for Small Holdings (Cd. 6708)?


The recommendations of the Departmental Committee on the Duration of Buildings have been the subject of discussion between the Board and the Local Government Board, and the terms allowed for loans in respect of equipment for small holdings have been extended as shown in the following table:—

Term now Allowed. Extended Terms.
Years. Years.
Creosoted under pressure 15 20
Stranded wire, with special steel or wrought iron standards and substantial steel or wrought iron straining posts 20 25
Continuous bar iron (according to strength) 15 to 20 25
Dry stone walling 20 25
Drainage (Land).
Pipes 20 25
Stud and weather-boarded (creosoted, or otherwise chemically treated under pressure), on brickwork in mortar, or masonry in mortar, or concrete pinnings roofed with ruberoid or timber, creosoted or otherwise chemically treated under pressure, provided the brickwork in mortar or masonry in mortar or concrete support is carried eighteen inches above thesurface of the ground 20 25
Do. with corrugated iron,20 B.W.G. 20 25
Do. with corrugated iron,22 B.W.G. 18 25
Do. roofed with tiles or slates 25 35
Do if not on brickwork or masonry or concrete pinnings 15 20

A circular letter will be sent to local authorities within the next few days calling their attention to these extended terms, and at the same time suggesting that they should, as far as possible, adopt the plans and recommendations of the Departmental Committee on Buildings for Small Holdings.