HC Deb 10 July 1913 vol 55 cc614-5W

asked the Under-secretary of State for India (1) whether his attention has been drawn to a complaint made by Mr. FitzGerald Lee, of Murree, stating that on the 30th August last the district judge of Rawal Pindi ordered the arrest of Mr. FitzGerald Lee on a statement which has been proved to be untrue and which has been the subject of an apology; whether Mr. Prenter, I.C.S., the district judge of Rawal Pindi, immediately ordered the seizure of Mr. FitzGerald Lee's property and also ordered the appearance of Mr. FitzGerald Lee before him at ten o'clock in the morning; whether this notice was only received by Mr. FitzGerald Lee at half-past five the previous afternoon; whether this necessitated the accused person travelling overnight in a specially hired tonga, for which he could not pay, as the whole of his property had been seized; whether, on his appearance next day, the case was not proceeded with; whether the Assistant Commissioner had to promise to refund to Mr. FitzGerald Lee the expenses of his journey, which refund has not been made; whether he proposes to make any inquiry into the action of the judicial officer against whom complaints have been made; and (2) whether his attention has been called to statements published by Mr. FitzGerald Lee, of Murree, against Mr. Justice Johnstone, I.C.S., a judge of the Punjab Chief Court, and Mr. A. J. Kitchin, I.C.S., Deputy-Commissioner of Multan, alleging prejudice and otherwise improper conduct when acting in judicial capacities, facts, dates, and other circumstances being definitely specified; and whether the India Office propose to take any action on the subject?


I have not seen the published statements. If my hon. Friend can give me exact information as to their contents, and when and where they were published, I will have inquiry made. I have received a private letter on the subject about which inquiries are being made.