HC Deb 28 January 1913 vol 47 c1195W

asked the Secretary for War if he can give any estimate of the numbers which must be deducted from the 240,876 non-commissioned officers and men of the combative branch of the Territorial Army on 21st October, 1912, as men non-effective for the field?

Colonel SEELY

No accurate figures are available.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether the two non-combatant branches of the Territorial Army, namely, the Royal Army Medical Corps and the Army Veterinary Corps, have been included in the Return of the strength of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Territorial Army given on the 21st October last; and, if so, the above two branches being non-combatant, whether, according to the figures of this Return, the correct numbers of the combatant branches of the Territorial Army on the 21st October were 8,036 officers and 240,876 non-commissioned officers and men?

Colonel SEELY

The reply to both parts of the question is in the affirmative. The figures for the non-combatant branches were given in detail on the date mentioned.


also asked whether, if the numbers 8,036 officers and 240,876 non-commissioned officers and men of the total combative strength of the Territorial Army on the 21st of October last are correct, these numbers include the following:—Recruits, men who failed to qualify, men who were not trained in musketry, boys under nineteen years of age, men absent abroad, men who have been absent from camp during the year, men who have been absent for two or more trainings, men temporarily unfit for service; and men under engagement to serve abroad on mobilisation?

Colonel SEELY

The figures quoted were a correct reply to the question put by the hon. Gentleman. I shall be glad to give him all details on the points mentioned in this question for which figures are available.

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