HC Deb 13 January 1913 vol 46 c1698W

asked whether, in view of the fact that it is the duty of the ordinary inspectors of mines to take note of the condition of the pit ponies in the mines they visit, any reports have since the passing of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, been made by those inspectors on the subject of pit ponies and the observance of the regulations in relation thereto; and whether any reports have, since the passing of that Act, been received from the inspectors of divisions on the subject of pit ponies and the observance of these regulations, and have been, or will be, laid upon the Table of the House?


The district inspectors of mines will deal with the question of the treatment of animals in mines and the observance of the regulations in their annual reports for 1912, which will be laid before Parliament. They are not required, apart from their annual reports, to report to the Home Office on their daily work of inspection and administration, except when matters on which they need instructions arise or when reports are specially called for by the Department.

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