HC Deb 08 January 1913 vol 46 cc1193-4W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the panels of Referees, under Section 90 of the National Insurance Act, have yet been completely constituted; whether chairmen of the Courts of Referees have yet been appointed or persons selected for appointment as chairmen; whether regulations for the constitution and proceedings of such Courts have yet been made; what remuneration and allowances for the chairmen and members of such Courts have been fixed; and whether he will present a Return setting forth the names, occupations, and addresses of the persons chosen to serve on the panels and as chairmen of the Courts, the regulations for their constitution and proceedings, and the remuneration and allowances to be paid to such persons and chairmen respectively, together with all the other regulations made by the Board in connection with Part II. of the said Act?


In accordance with the Unemployment Insurance Regulations, 1912, workmen's representatives, making up practically complete panels, have been elected by insured workmen. A large number of invitations to act on the panels of employers' representatives have been sent out, and a sufficient number have been accepted to enable the panels to be constituted immediately. In the case of the great majority of the Courts, chairmen have been selected for appointment, and have agreed to act. Regulations respecting the constitution and proceedings of the Courts are contained in the Unemployment Insurance Regulations, 1912, of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy. The scales of allowances for the various members of the Courts have not yet been completely settled. I propose to move in due course for a Return, giving much of the information desired by my hon. Friend.