HC Deb 02 January 1913 vol 46 c535W

asked the Secretary of State for War the comparative cost of uniform for an officer in a Line Regiment in 1900, 1905, 1910. and at the present time; whether any steps have been taken or are in contemplation to create a special branch of the Army Clothing Department to deal exclusively with officers' uniforms, or whether, in view of the charges made on officers by West End tailors, instructions will be issued to commanding officers to make special arrangements by contract with ordinary tailors whereby officers in their regiments could secure their outfit at a reasonable cost?

Colonel SEELY

As uniform is obtained by private purchase from tailors the War Office has no definite information concerning the cost, which varies according to the branch of the Service, the unit, and the firm from which purchased. It has not been considered practicable to create a special branch of the Army Clothing Department to deal exclusively with officers' uniforms. Commanding officers are forbidden to exercise any pressure upon officers to deal with a particular firm, and it is not therefore at present proposed to issue instructions to them to make special arrangements by contract.