HC Deb 14 February 1913 vol 48 cc1418-9W

asked the Home Secretary the date when the Mines (Rescue and Aid) Order was issued; when the mine owners were first required to make Returns in pursuance of the Order; whether any Returns have yet been received from the mine owners in Scotland; and whether any steps have been taken to accelerate the formation of rescue brigades and the provision of rescue stations in the Lanarkshire coalfield?


The Order was made on 2nd April last and the first Returns by mine owners of the provision made in pursuance of the Order were required to be made by 21st January of this year. All the Returns for Scotland have been re- ceived, and are now being carefully examined. The divisional inspector has been pressing on the owners the question of the formation of rescue brigades and the establishment of rescue stations for the Lanarkshire coalfield, and when the examination of the Returns is completed and full information is available, I will consider what further action should be taken in the matter.