HC Deb 13 February 1913 vol 48 c1195W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been directed to the case of Patrick Cross, Lullymore, Rathangan, county Kildare, a tenant of four acres of cutaway bog on Major Murphy's property; whether Patrick Cross applied for an old age pension and was seventy years of age last August; whether he is aware that Patrick Cross is supported by his son a married man with seven children, with whom he lives; can he say on what grounds the pension officer refused a pension in this case; and whether the circumstances of Patrick Cross's condition will be again considered?


I am making inquiries in this matter, and will communicate with the hon. Member in due course.


asked the Chief Secretary the ground upon which the Local Government Board refused to sanction the Grant of an old age pension to John Gallagher, of Glenahilt, Burtonport, county Donegal, in the year 1911; and whether the Board are now prepared to give their assent if a fresh claim is made by the applicant and passed by the local pension committee?


John Gallagher's claim for pension was disallowed by the Local Government Board in 1911, on the grounds that he had not reached the statutory age, and again on the 17th ultimo for the same reason. The case cannot be reconsidered by the Board unless it comes before them again on appeal.