HC Deb 11 February 1913 vol 48 c740W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to an inquest held at Southwark by Dr. Waldo on the 31st January, on a girl named Amy Violet Wotton, in which it was proved by medical testimony after post mortem examination that she died of gangrenous appendicitis traceable to preservatives in food, and the Coroner drew attention to the fact that the law with regard to such preservatives in Germany and France was much stricter than in this country; whether, in the opinion of his expert advisers, this is a common cause of appendicitis; and whether he proposes further to strengthen the law relating to such preservatives?


My attention has been drawn to this case, but from the report which I have seen it does not appear to have been proved that the illness of the child was caused by preservatives. The use of preservatives in food has been and is being carefully considered by my expert advisers, but in their view it has not been established that such use is a common cause of appendicitis. I have recently issued Regulations prohibiting the use of preservatives in milk, and providing for its control in the case of cream, and further Regulations will be made if and when they are shown to be desirable. The Bill which I have in contemplation will I trust also help in this matter.