HC Deb 06 February 1913 vol 48 c54W

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if his attention has been directed to the rate of wages paid to the workpeople of the Govan Roperie Company, Glasgow, where the women have struck work for an increase on wages which at present range from 5s. to 9s. per week, and which averages 7s. 2d. per week; and will he see that no further Admiralty work is given until such time as the firm pay a wage covering the decencies of life?


This firm holds no direct Admiralty contract at the present time, and does not appear to have received any direct orders in recent years. Inquiry is being made as to whether they hold any sub-contract, and, if so, steps will be taken to ascertain whether the Fair-Wages Clause is being duly observed. No previous complaint against this firm in respect of fair wages has been received.