HC Deb 15 August 1913 vol 56 cc2822-3W

asked the Chief Secretary if he is aware that Robert McMahon, of Hollymount, has entered into a purchase agreement to purchase the grazing farms of Coolhenry and Shanvally, in the Queen's County, containing 216 acres, under the Land Purchase Acts, from Lord Holm Patrick; if he is aware that Robert McMahon occupies 957 acres of grazing lands elsewhere, and has refused an offer made to him by the Estates Commissioners for part thereof; if he will say the amount of the advance applied for in respect of the purchase of Coolhenry and Shanvally; and whether, taking into consideration the fact that immediately adjoining these lands are 91 holdings under £7 valuation, as well as many other uneconomic buildings, the advance asked for will be made by the Estates Commissioners?


Robert McMahon has entered into a purchase agreement to purchase under the Irish Land Act, 1903, from Lord Holm Patrick, 215 acres of the lands of Coolhenry and Shanvally, held by him as tenant, subject to a rent of £161, and has applied for an advance of £3,997 under the Land Purchase Acts. The Estates Commissioners cannot now say what action they may take as regards the advance applied for. The Commissioners have had a preliminary inspection made of other lands, comprising some 540 acres in Mr. McMahon's occupation as tenant, with a view to estimating the amount they would be prepared to advance if an arrangement were come to between him and the landlord for the sale to the Commissioners in fee simple of the lands as untenanted lands. Their estimate was communicated to Mr. McMahon, but up to the present no proceedings have been instituted for the sale of the lands.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he has received a copy of the resolution unanimously passed by the Listowel Rural District Council asking that subtenants should get the same facilities as tenants who purchase their holdings and pay annuities to the Land Commission direct; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any action in the matter.


I have received the resolution referred to. The matter of the purchase of their holdings by sub-tenants appears to be sufficiently provided for by Section 15 of the Irish Land Act, 1903.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he has received a copy of the resolution unanimously passed by the Listowel Urban Council, asking the Government under the new Land Bill to give the Estates Commissioners power to purchase land within urban areas, and also to advance money to town tenants to enable them to purchase their holdings; and whether he has received a similar resolution from the Listowel Rural District Council; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


I have received the resolution referred to and would refer the hon. Member to my reply to the similar question of the hon. Baronet the Member for North Wexford on the 10th April last.