HC Deb 06 August 1913 vol 56 c1487W

asked the Home Secretary the number of inspectors and assistant inspectors, male and female, by whom 90,000 factories and 140,000 workshops were visited in 1912?


Excluding the special inspectors, who would usually visit in the company of an ordinary inspector, the factories and workshops were visited by 118 men inspectors, 17 women Inspectors, and 53 assistants.


asked why it is that from 1892 to 1912 the number of persons employed in factories and workshops is given for the years 1895, 1897, 1904, and 1907, but not for any other of the years during that period; and if he can state approximately the number of persons employed in factories and workshops in the year 1912?


There was no power before 1895 to obtain returns of employment. In my previous answer, to which my hon. Friend is referring, I gave the figures for all the years between 1895 and the present time for which figures in regard to both factories and workshops were issued except 1896. The figure for the year 1896 was 4,398,983. The figures for 1912 are not yet tabulated.