HC Deb 22 April 1913 vol 52 c247W

asked the Chief Secretary if he is aware that a Bill known as the Belfast Corporation Bill has been before the Local Legislation Committee of this House since the beginning of this Session; will he say if the Local Government Board of Ireland, or any other Irish Board, has or is considering Reports dealing with this Bill; will he state the cause of delay in this and on every other occasion when Reports are required from Irish Boards for Private Bills; and is he aware of the different methods pursued by English Boards and the consequent impression made on English officials by what appears to be the absolute indifference of Irish Boards in dealing with Irish Bills?


Reports of Public Departments upon Private Bills are not required until the Bills have reached the Committee stage. The Belfast Corporation Bill, to which the hon. Member refers, was read a second time and committed on the 17th March last, and the Local Government Board's Report to Parliament was issued five days later, namely, on the 22nd March. The day fixed for the consideration of the Bill by the Local Legislation Committee was the 23rd of this month. There was no delay on the part of the Local Government Board in the present case, nor am I aware of any grounds whatever for the charge of neglect of duty in this particular which the hon. Member makes against Irish Departments generally.