HC Deb 22 April 1913 vol 52 cc249-50W

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the present complement of officers of the 1st North Midland Field Ambulance, and what should be the complement under full strength?

Colonel SEELY

The establishment of officers is ten, and the strength on 1st April was eight.


asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Lieutenant Dawson, of the North Midland Field Ambulance, sustained a severe injury as the result of his horse bolting during manœuvres in Locko Park in July last and during the execution of his military duty; what pay has he received since the day of the accident; and what pay would be due to him had the Army Council granted the usual pay under paragraph 661a of the Regulations for the Territorial Force, 1912?


This accident did not occur during manœuvres but on the

officer's return home after taking part in the field exercises; he was permitted to return in advance of his unit owing to the exigencies of professional duty. In these circumstances the injury could not be regarded as having been sustained in and by the performance of military duty, and the Regulations do not therefore admit the issue of pay while disabled. Had the charge been admissible he might have received some sixty-two days pay at 14s. a day. Medical expenses, however, to the amount of £23 16s. 2d. have been paid under paragraph 663a of the Territorial Force Regulations.