HC Deb 08 April 1913 vol 51 cc1008-9W

asked the Secretary for War the strength of the Regular Army on the 1st January, 1907, and on the 1st January, 1913, serving at Home, in India, and in the Colonies, respectively; what was the strength of the Army Reserve, Sections A and B, on the same dates; what was the strength of the Militia, Yeomanry, Volunteers, and Militia Reserve respectively, exclusive of permanent staff, on the 1st January, 1907; and what was the strength of the Special Reserve and the Territorial Force, respectively, exclusive of permanent staff, on the 1st January, 1913?

Colonel SEELY

The figures are as follows:—

Strength of the Regular Army (Regimental Establishments) and Sections A and B of the Army Reserve.
Date. Home. Colonies. India. Army Reserve, Sections A and B.
Officers. Other ranks. Officers. Other ranks. Officers. Other ranks.
1st January, 1907 5,448 119,898 2,296 54,251 3,001 75,529 95,217
1st January, 1913 5,791 117,874 2,005 47,508 2,988 74,109 112,726

Strength of Militia on 1st January, 1907, 88,301 all ranks.

Strength of Reserve Division Militia on 1st January, 1907, 7,739 non-commissioned officers and men.

Strength of Yeomanry on 1st January, 1907, 25,382 all ranks.

Strength of Volunteers on 1st January, 1907, 245,937 all ranks.

Strength of the Special Reserve on the 1st January, 1913, 60,765.*

Strength of Territorial Force on 1st January, 1913, 263,333 all ranks. *These numbers are exclusive of 636 Militiamen and 94 of the Militia Reserve Division still remaining.