HC Deb 04 April 1913 vol 51 c703W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many insured persons there were in Ireland on the 31st December last; and how did the number compare with the official estimate?


No later figures are at present available than those given to the hon. Member on the 5th February on the basis of the first quarter's cards.


asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many insured persons there were on 31st December in Belfast, Dublin, and Cork, and the counties of Down, Antrim, and Londonderry; and how did the respective numbers compare with the official estimate?


The following table shows the approximate numbers of insured persons resident in the insurance committee areas named at the end of the first quarter:—

Belfast county borough 140,000
Dublin county borough 85,000
Dublin county 32,000
Cork county borough 27,000
Cork county 30,000
Down county 31,000
Antrim county 32,500
Londonderry county boro' 10,000
Londonderry county 10,000
Several societies have not yet furnished information as to the residence of all their members, and the above figures may be subject to some increase. Information up to the date mentioned in the question could not be obtained without involving considerable clerical labour to societies. No official estimates were made of the numbers of insured persons in particular districts in Ireland. The estimates published in Cd. 5983 were for the country as a whole.