HC Deb 02 April 1913 vol 51 cc397-8W
Captain FABER

asked the Secretary of State for War if any arrangements have been made for officers of the Regular Forces to undergo a course of wireless telegraphy preparatory to the forthcoming manœuvres; if so, whether such instruction will be confined to any particular branch of the Service, or if Territorial officers will be required to qualify; and whether officers holding certificates of proficiency in wireless telegraphy may be so designated by a symbol in the regimental lists and official records of the War Office?

Colonel SEELY

Two courses of instruction for officers will be held at the Army Signal School, Aldershot, prior to this year's manœuvres, at which instruction will be given in elementary wireless telegraphy. This instruction is confined to officers who are desirous of qualifying for appointment to the Army Signal Service. Further officers of units that employ wireless telegraphy receive instruction during the year in such units. It is not proposed to designate officers who have been trained in wireless telegraphy by a symbol as suggested, but a record of officers so trained is kept. Territorial officers are trained in their own units and by attachment to a corresponding signal unit of the Regular Forces. There are also three vacancies for Territorial Force officers at a course at the Signal School, commencing on 13th October, at which instruction will be given in advanced wireless telegraphy.