HC Deb 29 October 1912 vol 43 cc260-2W

asked the President of the Board of Trade the value of the exports of iron and steel and manufactures thereof from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America in 1900, 1910, and 1911; the value of the exports of machinery from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America in 1900, 1910. and 1911; the value of the exports of iron and steel and manufactures-thereof from the United Kingdom to the principal protected foreign countries and to other countries in 1900, 1910, and 1911; the value of the exports of machinery, including ships' machinery, from the United Kingdom to the principal protected foreign countries and to other countries in 1900, 1910, and 1911; and the value of the exports of woollen manufactures from the' United Kingdom to the principal protected foreign countries and to other countries in 1900, 1910, and 1911?


The following statements, give the desired information:—

(a) Statement showing the value of the undermentioned descriptions of merchandise (domestic manufacture) exported to all destinations from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States, respectively, in the years specified:—

(1) Exports of Iron and Steel and Manufactures thereof.
Years From United Kingdom.† From Germany.‡ From United States of America.*
Million £s. Million £s. Million £s.
1900 31.6 19.9 12.7
1910 44.0 34.3 18.4
1911 44.8 41.1 23.5
* Years ended 30th June.
† The particulars given include the value of "Hollow-ware."
‡ The particulars for Germany and the United States have been reclassified, so far as possible, on the lines of the classification adopted in the United Kingdom.

(2) Exports of Machinery.
Years. From United Kingdom. From Germany. From United States of America.*
Excluding Ships' Machinery Including Ships' Machinery
Million £s. Million £s. Million £s. Million £s.
1900 19.6 21.9 10.6 14 9
1910 29.3 30.5 25.3 22.5
1911 31.0 32.6 29.7 29.3
* Years ended 30th June.

(b) Statement showing the value of the undermentioned descriptions of merchandise (United Kingdom Manufacture) exported from the United Kingdom to (a) Principal Protected Foreign countries*; (b) all other countries, and (c) all destinations, respectively, in the years specified.

(1) Exports of Iron and Steel and Manutures thereof.
Years. Value of Exports to
Principal Protected Foreign Countries.* Other Countries. All Destinations.
Million £s. Million £s. Million £s.
1900 12.0 19.6 31.6
1910 19.6 33.4 44.0
1911 10.4 34.4 44.8
† The particulars given include the value of the exports of "Hollow-ware."

(2) Exports of Machinery.
Years. Value of Exports to
Principal Protected Foreign Countries.* Other Countries. All Destinations.
Excluding Ships' Machinery. Including Ships' Machinery Excluding Ships' Machinery. Including Ships' Machinery Excluding Ships' Machinery. Including Ships' Machinery
Million £s. Million £s. Million £s. Million £s. Million £s. Million £s.
1900 10.9 12.0 8.7 9.9 19.6 21.9
1910 11.9 12.3 17.4 18.2 29.3 30.5
1911 12.1 12.7 18.9 19.9 31.0 32.6

(3) Exports of Woollen and Worsted Manufacturers (including Yarns).
Years. Value of Exports to
Principal Protected Foreign Countries.* Other Countries. All Destinations.
Million £s. Million £s. Million £s.
1900 11.5 10.3 21.8
1910 16.0 18.1 34.1
1911 15.7 18.5 34.2
* Includes Russia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria-Hungary, and the United States. For the reasons which governed the choice of the countries reference should be made to Memorandum XIV. in Cd. 2,337 of 1904.