HC Deb 24 October 1912 vol 42 c2389W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that the Admiralty have, at short notice, made a considerable increase in the rents of a number of cottages at Bexhill, formerly part of the coastguard station; and whether, in view of the fact that the tenants of these cottages have planted their gardens and made due provision for the winter's supply of vegetables, and that loss and hardship must be inflicted if they are compelled to move to cheaper cottages, he will allow them to continue their present tenancies at the former rents?


Seven of the cottages originally occupied by the coastguard at Bexhill are let to civilians on weekly tenancies. These tenancies were arranged as a temporary measure pending the consideration of a proposal to dispose of the property. The Admiralty having decided to retain the property, it became necessary recently to rearrange the tenancies on a yearly basis with a view to obtaining a fair rental. This rental has been fixed on the advice of a responsible local estate agent. The weekly tenants have been given the option of continuing in occupation on the revised terms and conditions. As it appears difficult for the tenants to find other suitable accommodation, it has been decided to allow them time to make other arrangements.

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