HC Deb 22 October 1912 vol 42 cc1938-9W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury if he is aware that the Seamen's National Insurance Society issued a pamphlet in July last, in which seamen are informed that it is only by joining the Seamen's National Insurance Society that seamen and fishermen can obtain the full benefit of ail the funds available for additional benefits, pensions, etc.; whether he is aware that the pamphlet is still being circulated bearing the names of the Rev. Charles P. Hopkins and Mr. Thomas Chambers, as members of the committee of management, although both of these gentlemen were withdrawn from the Seamen's National Insurance Society several months ago; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


I am informed by the Secretary of the Seamen's National Insurance Society that a pamphlet containing the statement referred to in the question was issued by the society in July last. The pamphlet makes it clear that members of approved societies might, as deferred members of the seamen's society, participate in any pension fund established out of the money paid in respect of foreign seamen. Such deferred members would however, of course, have no rights in the general surplus of the society, and it is to this fact that the statement in the pamphlet refers. The gentlemen referred to in the question were present as members of the committee of management when the pamphlet was approved; they took part in settling its wording and approved its issue. One hundred thousand copies were printed and sent out before they tendered their resignations. I see no sufficient reason for withdrawing this large stock of the pamphlet, and printing another stock, in order to remove the names of two gentlemen who were jointly responsible for its issue.