HC Deb 17 October 1912 vol 42 c1436W

asked the Chief Secretary on what grounds Edward Kelly, of Balloor, Doaghbeg, Portsalon, county Donegal, who was born in 1838, was refused an old age pension by the Local Government Board; whether he is aware that the Milford pension committee, the members of which have no doubt as to the circumstances, have allowed the claim; and whether he will take steps to see that the Local Government Board will reconsider the claim, inasmuch as the allegation that a child of the same name was born in 1838 but died the same year is not true in fact?


I would refer the hon.

Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on 25th July last. The Local Government Board have no power to reopen the case.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that Mrs. Amelia Proctor, of Farnworth, being well known to members of the Farnworth old age pensions committee, satisfied them that she was over seventy years of age, and was by them awarded a pension on 31st January last; that the local pension officer successfully appealed against this award; that upon a further appeal to the pensions committee she produced a certificate of baptism dated 15th October, 1841, and was again awarded the pension as from 10th July last, against which there has been no further appeal; and whether, under these circumstances, he will direct the arrears of pension between 31st January and 10th July to be paid to her?


I am making inquiry into this case and will communicate with the hon. Member in due course.