HC Deb 14 October 1912 vol 42 c803W

asked the President of the Board of Trade the present position of the case of the Crown rights to the foreshore at Seaview, Isle of Wight; and when it is expected that the ease will be heard in Court?


On the application of the Board of Trade the Court made an Order on 20th July last for the examinationde bene esse of old and infirm witnesses. The examination was duly held at Seaview, Isle of Wight, on 7th August, and certain witnesses were examined and cross-examined on behalf of the Crown and the defendants. The depositions of these witnesses have been filed by the Examiner at the King's Remembrancer's Department in accordance with the usual practice. It is not possible for me at present to say when the case is likely to be heard in Court, but subject to a full consideration of the effect of the defendant's documents and the evidence obtained from witnesses and any amendments of the pleadings consequent thereon, I do not anticipate that it will be long before the case is set down for trial.