HC Deb 28 November 1912 vol 44 c1506W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any information as to the British registration of the steamship "Tasso"; whether it has been assured that this vessel is of genuine British ownership; whether her crew is composed entirely of aliens; and if he can give information as to when and where the "Tasso" was registered as a British ship?


The steamship "Tasso" was registered at Hull in May, 1890, and was reregistered, on being lengthened, in 1901. In August, 1911, the vessel was transferred, on sale, to a person qualified to be the owner of a British ship. The vessel trades in the Levant, and, for the voyage commencing on 4th June last, the entire ship's company consisted of aliens.


also asked what safeguards are adopted, both in the United Kingdom and by British representatives at ports abroad, for the purpose of preventing colourable transfers of foreign ships to British registration?


No ship can be entered on the British Register until a formal declaration has been made to the effect that the vessel is owned by a person, persons, or body qualified to own a British ship False declaration is a misdemeanour, and the ship, to the extent of the interest of the declarant, is subject to forfeiture. Special machinery is provided by Section 51 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1906, for inquiring into cases in which there is doubt as to the title of a ship to British registry.