HC Deb 28 November 1912 vol 44 cc1493-5W

asked whether the Estates Commissioners, when they undertake to deal with untenanted land in the county Galway, with the consent of the Congested Districts Board, have the power of providing holdings for the sons of farmers who are possessed of sufficient means to work the land profitably; and what class of persons are eligible for holdings when the Estates Commissioners consent to deal with untenanted land within congested counties?


I would refer the hon. Member to the provisions of Section 17 of the Irish Land Act, 1009, which define the persons to whom advances under the Land Purchase Acts may be made for the purchase of parcels of an estate sold to the Land Commission.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the M'Inerney estate, Caherhenryhoe, Closetoken, Loughrea, is at present being dealt with by the Congested Districts Board; is he aware that the Estates Commissioners acquired this estate some years ago for enlarging small holdings on the estate and in the parish, as well as providing holdings for the sons of tenants; is he aware that a conditional promise was made by the Commissioners, to a deputation from the parish of Close-token which waited upon them in Dublin, that in dividing the farm due regard would be had to the claims of farmers' sons and other uneconomic tenants within the parish; and whether he will represent to the Congested Districts Board the advisability of conferring with the people of this parish so as to carry out a scheme which will meet with the assent of the people?


The hon. Member is under a misapprehension in thinning that the Estates Commissioners acquired this estate some years ago. Prior to the passing of the Irish Land Act, 1909, it had been the subject of proceedings for sale to the Commissioners, but being situate in a congested districts county under the Act of 1909 such proceedings have been transferred to the Congested Districts Board, who will deal with the resale of the estate in accordance with their usual practice. The Commissioners did not make any promise, conditional or otherwise, such as that referred to in the question.


asked the Chief Secretary whether any offer has been made by the owner of the O'Conor estate, situate at and in the neighbourhood of the Palace, Elphin, county of Roscommon, for the sale of this estate to the Congested Districts Board or to the Estates Commismissioners; if so, what has become of the offer; what is the present position of the negotiations for the purchase of this estate; and, if negotiations have not yet been commenced, whether they will be at once opened up by the Congested Districts Board, in view of the fact that there is upon it a large area of untenanted land, and that there are numerous uneconomic holdings upon this and other estates in the district?


Mr. O'Conor has offered the lands referred to for sale to the Congested Districts Board, and a decision will be arrived at by the Board regarding the purchase of the property as soon as practicable.


asked whether the attention of the Congested Districts Board has been called to the condition of the tenants on the estate of Mr. Robert J. Lloyd, near Elphin, county of Roscommon, and to the fact that, while all the surrounding properties have been purchased by the tenants, the opportunity of purchase has been refused to them by the solicitors, acting for the owner, until there is a Unionist Government, and that the tenants are unduly pressed for payment of arrears; and whether, in view of these facts, the Congested Districts Board will immediately take all necessary steps to give those tenants the advantages of ownership so long enjoyed by their neighbours?


The hon. Member has called my attention to this estate, and I will bring the matter to the notice of the Congested Districts Board, but so far the Board have had no application regarding the estate before them, nor is it the subject of proceedings for sale before the Estates Commissioners under the Land Purchase Acts.