HC Deb 21 November 1912 vol 44 c511W

asked the Home Secretary if he has given any indication or undertaking that, on the completion of the new Court House which the London County Council proposes to erect at Newington, he will sanction or favourably consider a scheme authorising or regulating the holding of Courts of Sessions there, or is he free to refuse his sanction; and, if so, will an opportunity be given to the House of discussing the desirability of transacting the business of the Sessions at a place which is regarded by many as inconvenient and undesirable?


The choice of a suitable site rests with the London County Council, and it appears to me that a question of this kind, which is of a purely local importance, should properly be discussed in the county council and not in this House. I see no reason for dissenting from the decision arrived at by the local authorities, and I have intimated that if it is carried out, I shall be prepared to approve a scheme similar to that which is now in force.