HC Deb 18 November 1912 vol 44 cc22-6W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether having regard to the fact that Mr. James W. Bond, owner in fee of the lands of Cool-craft, barony of Granard, county Longford, has expressed his willingness to sell these lands for the benefit of holders of uneconomic farms in the district, the Commissioners will again approach Mr. Bond and endeavour to arrange; a sale with him?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his questions on this subject on the 29th April last to which I have nothing to add.


asked whether any further steps have been taken by the Estates Commissioners to secure the untenanted lands known as the Prospect Ranch at Kilrea. North Longford, for division amongst the landless men of that district?


A memorial was received by the Estates Commissioners asking them to acquire these lands, and the Estates Commissioners informed the memorialists that if further particulars were supplied the matter would be considered. The Commissioners have not received the further particulars asked for.


also asked whether it is the intention of the Estates Commissioners to complete the purchase of the Roberts estate at Newtowncashel, county Longford, by securing the untenanted lands of Culnagore Wood for division amongst uneconomic holdings on that property; and whether, if so, an inspector will be directed to enter into negotiations with Colonel Gregg, the present owner, with a view to having the sale carried out immediately?


This estate, which is the subject of proceedings for sale to the Estates Commissioners, includes eighty-nine acres of untenanted land, of which twenty-one acres are situate on the town-land of Culnagore, and is the only untenanted land on the estate.


likewise asked whether the lands of Derrydarragh, on the Collum estate, parish of Newtowncashel, county Longford, will be divided amongst the descendants of former occupiers on that property; whether any applications for allotments have yet been received; and when these applications will be dealt with?


The Estates Commissioners are unable from the particulars given to identify this estate as the subject of proceedings for sale before them, or to trace the receipt of any applications for reinstatement from persons stating that they were evicted from this estate.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that eleven tenants on the Synge estate, in the town-lands of Derryadd and Cloonmore, county Longford, have been refused the right to purchase their holdings, although all the other tenants on the same estate have purchased long ago; and as the objection to some of these eleven tenants, i.e., that they were not solvent, has been removed by the purchase of their tenant-right since by other persons, whether he will direct the Estates Commissioners to inquire into the facts and make an offer for the unbought part of this property?


The portion of the estate already sold was not sold through the Estates Commissioners, but through the Land Commission under the Purchase Acts prior to 1903. It is open to the parties as regards the unsold portion to enter into agreements under the Irish Land Act, 1909, and the lands will be dealt with in order of priority. The lands are not the subject of proceedings before the Estates Commissioners, who have no information in the matter.


asked what is the cause of the delay in completing the sale of Mr. Donal Sampson's estate at Tubbernagoth, Shuaun, Coppabane, Scariff, county Clare; and whether this estate was inspected three years ago by the Estates Commissioners?


This estate is in priority to be dealt with during the present financial year, and the Estates Commissioners, hope to be in a position to issue their formal offer to the land judge for its purchase at an early date.


asked whether the tenants on the estate of Mrs. Alcock, Freshford, county Kilkenny, signed agreements for the purchase of their holdings in the year 1906; what is the cause of the delay in vesting their holdings in them; whether and, if so, why the tenants are now asked by the Estates Commissioners to pay three years' interest; and whether full inquiries will be made into all the circumstances of this case?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the owner to the tenants and purchase agreements were lodged with the Estates Commissioners in 1906. It is on the principal register of direct sales (all cash), and will be dealt with in order of priority on that register. The tenants are not being asked to pay three years' interest in lieu of rent. Their purchase agreements provide that this interest is payable half-yearly on 1st November and 1st May. The form of receivable order contains six spaces for insertion of receipt of each payment as made, and is returned to the purchasing tenant when receipted in order that he may forward it with the next instalment when due.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the holdings on the estate of Colonel Sugrue, at Johnstown, county Cork, were finally inspected some time ago by an inspector of the Estates Commissioners prepartory to vesting them in the occupiers; can he state when the vesting is likely to take place; has the attention of the Estates Commissioners been specially drawn to the case of Patrick Galvin, a sub-tenant on this estate; are they aware that he is quite willing to advance in cash whatever sum may be required of him to redeem the middle interest, and that his right to purchase is supported by the owner; and will the Commissioners, in the circumstances, see that he is included in the sale of the estate?


This estate has been inspected and is in priority for payment during the financial year commencing the 1st April next. The Estates Commissioners are not prepared to declare that Patrick Galvin, who is the sub-tenant of a licensed house and one acre, three roods, ten perches of land, should be deemed a direct tenant for the purposes of sale.


asked what progress has been made towards the distribution of the lands of Ardshill under Section 42 of the Land Act, 1909; whether any persons have been refused portions of this farm, and, if so, how many; into what sized holdings the farm is being divided; and when the new tenants will enter into occupation of the same?


The Estates Commissioners have acquired seventy-seven acres of untenanted land on the Raymond estate under Section 42 of the Irish Land Act, 1909, and proposed to divide it into four allotments, but two of the proposed allottees refused to sign agreements to purchase, and the Commissioners have under consideration the question of allotting the lands to other persons.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have vested their holdings in the tenants on the Erasmuc Smith property at Pallas, near Doon, county Limerick; if so, has Captain M'Donald Parr signed a purchase agreement, and for what extent of property; and, in view of the fact that the same gentleman has sub-let a portion of his land to Thomas Quigley, will the Commissioners see that the same terms are extended to him as those given by the Board of Governors to Captain Parr?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the negative. Two agreements signed by W. R. M'Donnell Parr for the purchase of some seventy-nine acres which he holds as a tenant on the estate have been lodged with the Estates Commissioners. William Quigley appears to' be a sub-tenant of about two acres on these lands, and his ease with those of other sub-tenants, if any, will be inquired into when the Commissioners are dealing with the estate in order of priority.